// $WX[] array size = 653 entries.
$WX['date'] = '2024-04-29'; // local date
$WX['time'] = '07:29:09'; // local time
$WX['dateUTC'] = '2024-04-29'; // UTC date
$WX['timeUTC'] = '11:29:09'; // UTCtime
$WX['uomTemp'] = '°C'; // UOM temperature
$WX['uomWind'] = 'km/h'; // UOM wind
$WX['uomBaro'] = 'hPa'; // UOM barometer
$WX['uomRain'] = 'mm'; // UOM rain
$WX['mbsystem-swversion'] = '5.8'; // Meteobridge version string (example: "1.1")
$WX['mbsystem-buildnum'] = '15205'; // build number as integer (example: 1673)
$WX['mbsystem-platform'] = 'TL-MR3020'; // string that specifies hw platform (example: "TL-MR3020")
$WX['mbsystem-station'] = 'Vantage'; // string that specifies selected weather station (expample: "WMR-200")
$WX['mbsystem-language'] = 'English'; // language used on Meteobridge web interface (example: "English")
$WX['mbsystem-timezone'] = 'America/Montreal'; // defined timezone (example: "Europe/Berlin")
$WX['mbsystem-latitude'] = '44.671846'; // latitude as float (example: 53.875120)
$WX['mbsystem-longitude'] = '-76.363413'; // longitude as float (example: 9.885357)
$WX['mbsystem-lastgooddata'] = '0'; // seconds passed since last piece of meaningfull sensor data recorded, returns -1 if no sensor data recorded so far
$WX['mbsystem-uptime'] = '2762243'; // uptime of Meteobridge in seconds
$WX['mbsystem-cpuload1m'] = '0.1'; // shows average cpu load during last 1 minute
$WX['mbsystem-cpuload5m'] = '0.1'; // shows average cpu load during last 5 minutes
$WX['mbsystem-cpuload15m'] = '0.1'; // shows average cpu load during last 15 minutes
$WX['mbsystem-lunarage'] = '20'; // days passes since new moon as integer (example: 28)
$WX['mbsystem-lunarpercent'] = '71.6'; // lunarphase given as percentage from 0% (new moon) to 100% (full moon)
$WX['mbsystem-lunarsegment'] = '5'; // lunarphase segment as integer (0 = new moon, 1-3 = growing moon: quarter, half, three quarters, 4 = full moon, 5-7 = shrinking moon: three quarter, half, quarter)
$WX['mbsystem-daylength'] = '14:11'; // length of day (example: "11:28")
$WX['mbsystem-civildaylength'] = '15:15'; // alternative method for daylength computation (example: "12:38")
$WX['mbsystem-nauticaldaylength'] = '16:34'; // alternative method for daylength computation (example: "14:00")
$WX['mbsystem-sunrise'] = '05:57'; // time of sunrise in local time. Can be converted to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable (example: "06:47", resp. "05:47")
$WX['mbsystem-sunset'] = '20:08'; // time of sunset in local time. Can be converted to UTC by applying "=utc" to the variable (example: "18:15", resp. "17:15")
$WX['mbsystem-civilsunrise'] = '05:25'; // alternative computation for sunrise.
$WX['mbsystem-civilsunset'] = '20:40'; // alternative computation for sunset.
$WX['mbsystem-nauticalsunrise'] = '04:46'; // alternative computation for sunrise.
$WX['mbsystem-nauticalsunset'] = '21:20'; // alternative alternative computation for sunset..
$WX['mbsystem-daynightflag'] = 'D'; // returns "D" when there is daylight, otherwise "N".
$WX['mbsystem-moonrise'] = '01:33'; // time of moonrise in local time. Please notice that not every day has a moonrise time, therefore, variable can be non-existent on certain days (example: "05:46", resp. "04:46")
$WX['mbsystem-moonset'] = '09:36'; // time of moonset in local time. Please notice that not every day has a moonset time, therefore, variable can be non-existent on certain days.
$WX['mbsystem-solarmax'] = '910'; // maximum possible solar radiation on that day at that point of the earth. Needs latitude and longitude set and pressure data available.
$WX['forecast-rule'] = '44'; // Davis forecast rule number
$WX['forecast-text'] = 'Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.'; // Davis forecast reports in English
$WX['forecast-texteshtml'] = 'Nubes en evolución con ligeros cambios de temperatura. Precipitación posible dentro de 24 a 48 horas.'; // Davis forecast reports in Spanish
$WX['th0temp-act'] = '5.1'; // outdoor temperature most recent
$WX['th0temp-val5'] = '5.1'; // outdoor temperature value 5 minutes ago
$WX['th0temp-val10'] = '5.1'; // outdoor temperature value 10 minutes ago
$WX['th0temp-val15'] = '5.1'; // outdoor temperature value 15 minutes ago
$WX['th0temp-val30'] = '5.3'; // outdoor temperature value 30 minutes ago
$WX['th0temp-val60'] = '6.2'; // outdoor temperature value 60 minutes ago
$WX['th0temp-delta2h'] = '-1.4'; // outdoor temperature delta 2 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-delta3h'] = '-1.8'; // outdoor temperature delta 3 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-delta6h'] = '-5.4'; // outdoor temperature delta 6 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-delta12h'] = '-11.9'; // outdoor temperature delta 12 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-delta24h'] = '-11.5'; // outdoor temperature delta 24 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-avg@h48'] = '--'; // outdoor temperature avg 48 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-avg@h72'] = '--'; // outdoor temperature avg 72 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-avg@h96'] = '--'; // outdoor temperature avg 96 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-avg@h120'] = '--'; // outdoor temperature avg 120 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-avg@h144'] = '--'; // outdoor temperature avg 144 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-avg@h168'] = '--'; // outdoor temperature avg 168 hours ago
$WX['th0temp-hmin'] = '5.0'; // outdoor temperature min of this hour
$WX['th0temp-hmintime'] = '20240429072839'; // outdoor temperature timestamp min of this hour
$WX['th0temp-hmax'] = '5.3'; // outdoor temperature max of this hour
$WX['th0temp-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070005'; // outdoor temperature timestamp max of this hour
$WX['th0temp-dmin'] = '5.0'; // outdoor temperature min of today
$WX['th0temp-dmintime'] = '20240429072839'; // outdoor temperature timestamp min of today
$WX['th0temp-dmax'] = '12.4'; // outdoor temperature max of today
$WX['th0temp-dmaxtime'] = '20240429000002'; // outdoor temperature timestamp max of today
$WX['th0temp-ydmin'] = '9.0'; // outdoor temperature min of yesterday
$WX['th0temp-ydmintime'] = '20240428015635'; // outdoor temperature timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['th0temp-ydmax'] = '23.0'; // outdoor temperature max of yesterday
$WX['th0temp-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor temperature timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['th0temp-mmin'] = '-3.0'; // outdoor temperature min of this month
$WX['th0temp-mmintime'] = '20240425051515'; // outdoor temperature timestamp min of this month
$WX['th0temp-mmax'] = '23.0'; // outdoor temperature max of this month
$WX['th0temp-mmaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor temperature timestamp max of this month
$WX['th0temp-ymin'] = '-18.4'; // outdoor temperature min of this year
$WX['th0temp-ymintime'] = '20240120024922'; // outdoor temperature timestamp min of this year
$WX['th0temp-ymax'] = '23.0'; // outdoor temperature max of this year
$WX['th0temp-ymaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor temperature timestamp max of this year
$WX['th0temp-amin'] = '-32.2'; // outdoor temperature min of all time
$WX['th0temp-amintime'] = '20230204080545'; // outdoor temperature timestamp min of all time
$WX['th0temp-amax'] = '34.8'; // outdoor temperature max of all time
$WX['th0temp-amaxtime'] = '20200710152147'; // outdoor temperature timestamp max of all time
$WX['th0temp-starttime'] = '20150728160028'; // outdoor temperature timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['th0hum-act'] = '88'; // outdoor humidity most recent
$WX['th0hum-val5'] = '88'; // outdoor humidity value 5 minutes ago
$WX['th0hum-val10'] = '87'; // outdoor humidity value 10 minutes ago
$WX['th0hum-val15'] = '86'; // outdoor humidity value 15 minutes ago
$WX['th0hum-val30'] = '85'; // outdoor humidity value 30 minutes ago
$WX['th0hum-val60'] = '80'; // outdoor humidity value 60 minutes ago
$WX['th0hum-delta2h'] = '10'; // outdoor humidity delta 2 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-delta3h'] = '11'; // outdoor humidity delta 3 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-delta6h'] = '18'; // outdoor humidity delta 6 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-delta12h'] = '0'; // outdoor humidity delta 12 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-delta24h'] = '9'; // outdoor humidity delta 24 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-avg@h48'] = '--'; // outdoor humidity avg 48 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-avg@h72'] = '--'; // outdoor humidity avg 72 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-avg@h96'] = '--'; // outdoor humidity avg 96 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-avg@h120'] = '--'; // outdoor humidity avg 120 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-avg@h144'] = '--'; // outdoor humidity avg 144 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-avg@h168'] = '--'; // outdoor humidity avg 168 hours ago
$WX['th0hum-hmin'] = '85'; // outdoor humidity min of this hour
$WX['th0hum-hmintime'] = '20240429070005'; // outdoor humidity timestamp min of this hour
$WX['th0hum-hmax'] = '88'; // outdoor humidity max of this hour
$WX['th0hum-hmaxtime'] = '20240429072305'; // outdoor humidity timestamp max of this hour
$WX['th0hum-dmin'] = '65'; // outdoor humidity min of today
$WX['th0hum-dmintime'] = '20240429001000'; // outdoor humidity timestamp min of today
$WX['th0hum-dmax'] = '88'; // outdoor humidity max of today
$WX['th0hum-dmaxtime'] = '20240429072305'; // outdoor humidity timestamp max of today
$WX['th0hum-ydmin'] = '62'; // outdoor humidity min of yesterday
$WX['th0hum-ydmintime'] = '20240428140750'; // outdoor humidity timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['th0hum-ydmax'] = '90'; // outdoor humidity max of yesterday
$WX['th0hum-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428173432'; // outdoor humidity timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['th0hum-mmin'] = '27'; // outdoor humidity min of this month
$WX['th0hum-mmintime'] = '20240408165543'; // outdoor humidity timestamp min of this month
$WX['th0hum-mmax'] = '97'; // outdoor humidity max of this month
$WX['th0hum-mmaxtime'] = '20240411140153'; // outdoor humidity timestamp max of this month
$WX['th0hum-ymin'] = '23'; // outdoor humidity min of this year
$WX['th0hum-ymintime'] = '20240325174450'; // outdoor humidity timestamp min of this year
$WX['th0hum-ymax'] = '97'; // outdoor humidity max of this year
$WX['th0hum-ymaxtime'] = '20240110002327'; // outdoor humidity timestamp max of this year
$WX['th0hum-amin'] = '14'; // outdoor humidity min of all time
$WX['th0hum-amintime'] = '20180423181532'; // outdoor humidity timestamp min of all time
$WX['th0hum-amax'] = '98'; // outdoor humidity max of all time
$WX['th0hum-amaxtime'] = '20141224083207'; // outdoor humidity timestamp max of all time
$WX['th0hum-starttime'] = '20141224083207'; // outdoor humidity timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['th0dew-act'] = '3.3'; // outdoor dewpoint most recent
$WX['th0dew-val5'] = '3.3'; // outdoor dewpoint value 5 minutes ago
$WX['th0dew-val10'] = '3.1'; // outdoor dewpoint value 10 minutes ago
$WX['th0dew-val15'] = '3.0'; // outdoor dewpoint value 15 minutes ago
$WX['th0dew-val30'] = '3.0'; // outdoor dewpoint value 30 minutes ago
$WX['th0dew-val60'] = '3.0'; // outdoor dewpoint value 60 minutes ago
$WX['th0dew-delta2h'] = '0.4'; // outdoor dewpoint delta 2 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-delta3h'] = '0.2'; // outdoor dewpoint delta 3 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-delta6h'] = '-2.0'; // outdoor dewpoint delta 6 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-delta12h'] = '-11.7'; // outdoor dewpoint delta 12 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-delta24h'] = '-9.6'; // outdoor dewpoint delta 24 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-avg@h48'] = '--'; // outdoor dewpoint avg 48 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-avg@h72'] = '--'; // outdoor dewpoint avg 72 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-avg@h96'] = '--'; // outdoor dewpoint avg 96 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-avg@h120'] = '--'; // outdoor dewpoint avg 120 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-avg@h144'] = '--'; // outdoor dewpoint avg 144 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-avg@h168'] = '--'; // outdoor dewpoint avg 168 hours ago
$WX['th0dew-hmin'] = '3.0'; // outdoor dewpoint min of this hour
$WX['th0dew-hmintime'] = '20240429070005'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp min of this hour
$WX['th0dew-hmax'] = '3.3'; // outdoor dewpoint max of this hour
$WX['th0dew-hmaxtime'] = '20240429072305'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp max of this hour
$WX['th0dew-dmin'] = '2.8'; // outdoor dewpoint min of today
$WX['th0dew-dmintime'] = '20240429035039'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp min of today
$WX['th0dew-dmax'] = '6.9'; // outdoor dewpoint max of today
$WX['th0dew-dmaxtime'] = '20240429000002'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp max of today
$WX['th0dew-ydmin'] = '6.7'; // outdoor dewpoint min of yesterday
$WX['th0dew-ydmintime'] = '20240428002044'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['th0dew-ydmax'] = '16.6'; // outdoor dewpoint max of yesterday
$WX['th0dew-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428173432'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['th0dew-mmin'] = '-8.8'; // outdoor dewpoint min of this month
$WX['th0dew-mmintime'] = '20240424184200'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp min of this month
$WX['th0dew-mmax'] = '16.6'; // outdoor dewpoint max of this month
$WX['th0dew-mmaxtime'] = '20240428173432'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp max of this month
$WX['th0dew-ymin'] = '-22.0'; // outdoor dewpoint min of this year
$WX['th0dew-ymintime'] = '20240224065548'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp min of this year
$WX['th0dew-ymax'] = '16.6'; // outdoor dewpoint max of this year
$WX['th0dew-ymaxtime'] = '20240428173432'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp max of this year
$WX['th0dew-amin'] = '-36.0'; // outdoor dewpoint min of all time
$WX['th0dew-amintime'] = '20230204080423'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp min of all time
$WX['th0dew-amax'] = '27.6'; // outdoor dewpoint max of all time
$WX['th0dew-amaxtime'] = '20180701123913'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp max of all time
$WX['th0dew-starttime'] = '20150719132207'; // outdoor dewpoint timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['thb0temp-act'] = '22.5'; // indoor temperature most recent
$WX['thb0temp-val5'] = '22.5'; // indoor temperature value 5 minutes ago
$WX['thb0temp-val10'] = '22.6'; // indoor temperature value 10 minutes ago
$WX['thb0temp-val15'] = '22.6'; // indoor temperature value 15 minutes ago
$WX['thb0temp-val30'] = '22.7'; // indoor temperature value 30 minutes ago
$WX['thb0temp-val60'] = '22.8'; // indoor temperature value 60 minutes ago
$WX['thb0temp-hmin'] = '22.5'; // indoor temperature min of this hour
$WX['thb0temp-hmintime'] = '20240429072131'; // indoor temperature timestamp min of this hour
$WX['thb0temp-hmax'] = '22.6'; // indoor temperature max of this hour
$WX['thb0temp-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070025'; // indoor temperature timestamp max of this hour
$WX['thb0temp-dmin'] = '22.5'; // indoor temperature min of today
$WX['thb0temp-dmintime'] = '20240429072131'; // indoor temperature timestamp min of today
$WX['thb0temp-dmax'] = '24.3'; // indoor temperature max of today
$WX['thb0temp-dmaxtime'] = '20240429000002'; // indoor temperature timestamp max of today
$WX['thb0temp-ydmin'] = '20.7'; // indoor temperature min of yesterday
$WX['thb0temp-ydmintime'] = '20240428054733'; // indoor temperature timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['thb0temp-ydmax'] = '24.4'; // indoor temperature max of yesterday
$WX['thb0temp-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428212733'; // indoor temperature timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['thb0temp-mmin'] = '17.2'; // indoor temperature min of this month
$WX['thb0temp-mmintime'] = '20240414033328'; // indoor temperature timestamp min of this month
$WX['thb0temp-mmax'] = '24.4'; // indoor temperature max of this month
$WX['thb0temp-mmaxtime'] = '20240410181933'; // indoor temperature timestamp max of this month
$WX['thb0temp-ymin'] = '14.8'; // indoor temperature min of this year
$WX['thb0temp-ymintime'] = '20240117045020'; // indoor temperature timestamp min of this year
$WX['thb0temp-ymax'] = '24.4'; // indoor temperature max of this year
$WX['thb0temp-ymaxtime'] = '20240410181933'; // indoor temperature timestamp max of this year
$WX['thb0temp-amin'] = '8.7'; // indoor temperature min of all time
$WX['thb0temp-amintime'] = '20170323050948'; // indoor temperature timestamp min of all time
$WX['thb0temp-amax'] = '31.1'; // indoor temperature max of all time
$WX['thb0temp-amaxtime'] = '20220721142449'; // indoor temperature timestamp max of all time
$WX['thb0temp-starttime'] = '20150530151240'; // indoor temperature timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['thb0hum-act'] = '42'; // indoor humidity most recent
$WX['thb0hum-val5'] = '42'; // indoor humidity value 5 minutes ago
$WX['thb0hum-val10'] = '42'; // indoor humidity value 10 minutes ago
$WX['thb0hum-val15'] = '42'; // indoor humidity value 15 minutes ago
$WX['thb0hum-val30'] = '42'; // indoor humidity value 30 minutes ago
$WX['thb0hum-val60'] = '42'; // indoor humidity value 60 minutes ago
$WX['thb0hum-hmin'] = '42'; // indoor humidity min of this hour
$WX['thb0hum-hmintime'] = '20240429070025'; // indoor humidity timestamp min of this hour
$WX['thb0hum-hmax'] = '42'; // indoor humidity max of this hour
$WX['thb0hum-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070025'; // indoor humidity timestamp max of this hour
$WX['thb0hum-dmin'] = '42'; // indoor humidity min of today
$WX['thb0hum-dmintime'] = '20240429055229'; // indoor humidity timestamp min of today
$WX['thb0hum-dmax'] = '44'; // indoor humidity max of today
$WX['thb0hum-dmaxtime'] = '20240429000002'; // indoor humidity timestamp max of today
$WX['thb0hum-ydmin'] = '40'; // indoor humidity min of yesterday
$WX['thb0hum-ydmintime'] = '20240428000001'; // indoor humidity timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['thb0hum-ydmax'] = '46'; // indoor humidity max of yesterday
$WX['thb0hum-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428201935'; // indoor humidity timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['thb0hum-mmin'] = '36'; // indoor humidity min of this month
$WX['thb0hum-mmintime'] = '20240426194432'; // indoor humidity timestamp min of this month
$WX['thb0hum-mmax'] = '47'; // indoor humidity max of this month
$WX['thb0hum-mmaxtime'] = '20240406121030'; // indoor humidity timestamp max of this month
$WX['thb0hum-ymin'] = '28'; // indoor humidity min of this year
$WX['thb0hum-ymintime'] = '20240224132827'; // indoor humidity timestamp min of this year
$WX['thb0hum-ymax'] = '47'; // indoor humidity max of this year
$WX['thb0hum-ymaxtime'] = '20240330133630'; // indoor humidity timestamp max of this year
$WX['thb0hum-amin'] = '15'; // indoor humidity min of all time
$WX['thb0hum-amintime'] = '20150215151226'; // indoor humidity timestamp min of all time
$WX['thb0hum-amax'] = '79'; // indoor humidity max of all time
$WX['thb0hum-amaxtime'] = '20230912073015'; // indoor humidity timestamp max of all time
$WX['thb0hum-starttime'] = '20150215151226'; // indoor humidity timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['thb0dew-act'] = '8.9'; // indoor dewpoint most recent
$WX['thb0dew-val5'] = '8.9'; // indoor dewpoint value 5 minutes ago
$WX['thb0dew-val10'] = '9.0'; // indoor dewpoint value 10 minutes ago
$WX['thb0dew-val15'] = '9.0'; // indoor dewpoint value 15 minutes ago
$WX['thb0dew-val30'] = '9.1'; // indoor dewpoint value 30 minutes ago
$WX['thb0dew-val60'] = '9.2'; // indoor dewpoint value 60 minutes ago
$WX['thb0dew-hmin'] = '8.9'; // indoor dewpoint min of this hour
$WX['thb0dew-hmintime'] = '20240429072131'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp min of this hour
$WX['thb0dew-hmax'] = '9.0'; // indoor dewpoint max of this hour
$WX['thb0dew-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070025'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp max of this hour
$WX['thb0dew-dmin'] = '8.9'; // indoor dewpoint min of today
$WX['thb0dew-dmintime'] = '20240429072131'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp min of today
$WX['thb0dew-dmax'] = '11.3'; // indoor dewpoint max of today
$WX['thb0dew-dmaxtime'] = '20240429000002'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp max of today
$WX['thb0dew-ydmin'] = '7.0'; // indoor dewpoint min of yesterday
$WX['thb0dew-ydmintime'] = '20240428055429'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['thb0dew-ydmax'] = '11.9'; // indoor dewpoint max of yesterday
$WX['thb0dew-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428201935'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['thb0dew-mmin'] = '3.7'; // indoor dewpoint min of this month
$WX['thb0dew-mmintime'] = '20240405052830'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp min of this month
$WX['thb0dew-mmax'] = '11.9'; // indoor dewpoint max of this month
$WX['thb0dew-mmaxtime'] = '20240428201935'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp max of this month
$WX['thb0dew-ymin'] = '-1.6'; // indoor dewpoint min of this year
$WX['thb0dew-ymintime'] = '20240229173728'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp min of this year
$WX['thb0dew-ymax'] = '11.9'; // indoor dewpoint max of this year
$WX['thb0dew-ymaxtime'] = '20240428201935'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp max of this year
$WX['thb0dew-amin'] = '-10.9'; // indoor dewpoint min of all time
$WX['thb0dew-amintime'] = '20150220151425'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp min of all time
$WX['thb0dew-amax'] = '19.7'; // indoor dewpoint max of all time
$WX['thb0dew-amaxtime'] = '20150518181740'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp max of all time
$WX['thb0dew-starttime'] = '20150220151425'; // indoor dewpoint timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['thb0press-act'] = '1004.9'; // station pressure most recent
$WX['thb0press-val5'] = '1005.0'; // station pressure value 5 minutes ago
$WX['thb0press-val10'] = '1005.1'; // station pressure value 10 minutes ago
$WX['thb0press-val15'] = '1005.0'; // station pressure value 15 minutes ago
$WX['thb0press-val30'] = '1004.5'; // station pressure value 30 minutes ago
$WX['thb0press-val60'] = '1004.4'; // station pressure value 60 minutes ago
$WX['thb0press-hmin'] = '1004.5'; // station pressure min of this hour
$WX['thb0press-hmintime'] = '20240429070025'; // station pressure timestamp min of this hour
$WX['thb0press-hmax'] = '1005.1'; // station pressure max of this hour
$WX['thb0press-hmaxtime'] = '20240429071535'; // station pressure timestamp max of this hour
$WX['thb0press-dmin'] = '1002.6'; // station pressure min of today
$WX['thb0press-dmintime'] = '20240429000002'; // station pressure timestamp min of today
$WX['thb0press-dmax'] = '1005.1'; // station pressure max of today
$WX['thb0press-dmaxtime'] = '20240429071535'; // station pressure timestamp max of today
$WX['thb0press-ydmin'] = '998.3'; // station pressure min of yesterday
$WX['thb0press-ydmintime'] = '20240428153536'; // station pressure timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['thb0press-ydmax'] = '1003.4'; // station pressure max of yesterday
$WX['thb0press-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428000028'; // station pressure timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['thb0press-mmin'] = '966.9'; // station pressure min of this month
$WX['thb0press-mmintime'] = '20240412101232'; // station pressure timestamp min of this month
$WX['thb0press-mmax'] = '1016.8'; // station pressure max of this month
$WX['thb0press-mmaxtime'] = '20240426094035'; // station pressure timestamp max of this month
$WX['thb0press-ymin'] = '964.4'; // station pressure min of this year
$WX['thb0press-ymintime'] = '20240110045825'; // station pressure timestamp min of this year
$WX['thb0press-ymax'] = '1017.5'; // station pressure max of this year
$WX['thb0press-ymaxtime'] = '20240123195628'; // station pressure timestamp max of this year
$WX['thb0press-amin'] = '961.6'; // station pressure min of all time
$WX['thb0press-amintime'] = '20221223121501'; // station pressure timestamp min of all time
$WX['thb0press-amax'] = '1029.7'; // station pressure max of all time
$WX['thb0press-amaxtime'] = '20180213085447'; // station pressure timestamp max of all time
$WX['thb0press-starttime'] = '20150113095424'; // station pressure timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['thb0seapress-act'] = '1020.6'; // sealevel pressure most recent
$WX['thb0seapress-val5'] = '1020.7'; // sealevel pressure value 5 minutes ago
$WX['thb0seapress-val10'] = '1020.8'; // sealevel pressure value 10 minutes ago
$WX['thb0seapress-val15'] = '1020.7'; // sealevel pressure value 15 minutes ago
$WX['thb0seapress-val30'] = '1020.2'; // sealevel pressure value 30 minutes ago
$WX['thb0seapress-val60'] = '1020.1'; // sealevel pressure value 60 minutes ago
$WX['thb0seapress-delta2h'] = '1.5'; // sealevel pressure delta 2 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-delta3h'] = '1.7'; // sealevel pressure delta 3 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-delta6h'] = '1.5'; // sealevel pressure delta 6 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-delta12h'] = '5.2'; // sealevel pressure delta 12 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-delta24h'] = '5.4'; // sealevel pressure delta 24 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-avg@h48'] = '--'; // sealevel pressure avg 48 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-avg@h72'] = '--'; // sealevel pressure avg 72 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-avg@h96'] = '--'; // sealevel pressure avg 96 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-avg@h120'] = '--'; // sealevel pressure avg 120 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-avg@h144'] = '--'; // sealevel pressure avg 144 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-avg@h168'] = '--'; // sealevel pressure avg 168 hours ago
$WX['thb0seapress-hmin'] = '1020.2'; // sealevel pressure min of this hour
$WX['thb0seapress-hmintime'] = '20240429070025'; // sealevel pressure timestamp min of this hour
$WX['thb0seapress-hmax'] = '1020.8'; // sealevel pressure max of this hour
$WX['thb0seapress-hmaxtime'] = '20240429071435'; // sealevel pressure timestamp max of this hour
$WX['thb0seapress-dmin'] = '1018.3'; // sealevel pressure min of today
$WX['thb0seapress-dmintime'] = '20240429000002'; // sealevel pressure timestamp min of today
$WX['thb0seapress-dmax'] = '1020.8'; // sealevel pressure max of today
$WX['thb0seapress-dmaxtime'] = '20240429071435'; // sealevel pressure timestamp max of today
$WX['thb0seapress-ydmin'] = '1013.9'; // sealevel pressure min of yesterday
$WX['thb0seapress-ydmintime'] = '20240428153532'; // sealevel pressure timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['thb0seapress-ydmax'] = '1019.4'; // sealevel pressure max of yesterday
$WX['thb0seapress-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428000001'; // sealevel pressure timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['thb0seapress-mmin'] = '982.1'; // sealevel pressure min of this month
$WX['thb0seapress-mmintime'] = '20240412101232'; // sealevel pressure timestamp min of this month
$WX['thb0seapress-mmax'] = '1033.4'; // sealevel pressure max of this month
$WX['thb0seapress-mmaxtime'] = '20240426094731'; // sealevel pressure timestamp max of this month
$WX['thb0seapress-ymin'] = '980.3'; // sealevel pressure min of this year
$WX['thb0seapress-ymintime'] = '20240110045821'; // sealevel pressure timestamp min of this year
$WX['thb0seapress-ymax'] = '1034.4'; // sealevel pressure max of this year
$WX['thb0seapress-ymaxtime'] = '20240123195624'; // sealevel pressure timestamp max of this year
$WX['thb0seapress-amin'] = '977.4'; // sealevel pressure min of all time
$WX['thb0seapress-amintime'] = '20221223121457'; // sealevel pressure timestamp min of all time
$WX['thb0seapress-amax'] = '1047.3'; // sealevel pressure max of all time
$WX['thb0seapress-amaxtime'] = '20180213085245'; // sealevel pressure timestamp max of all time
$WX['thb0seapress-starttime'] = '20150113095424'; // sealevel pressure timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['wind0wind-act'] = '3.2'; // windspeed most recent
$WX['wind0wind-val5'] = '3.2'; // windspeed value 5 minutes ago
$WX['wind0wind-val10'] = '6.5'; // windspeed value 10 minutes ago
$WX['wind0wind-val15'] = '6.5'; // windspeed value 15 minutes ago
$WX['wind0wind-val30'] = '11.2'; // windspeed value 30 minutes ago
$WX['wind0wind-val60'] = '7.9'; // windspeed value 60 minutes ago
$WX['wind0wind-hmin'] = '0.0'; // windspeed min of this hour
$WX['wind0wind-hmintime'] = '20240429071003'; // windspeed timestamp min of this hour
$WX['wind0wind-hmax'] = '17.6'; // windspeed max of this hour
$WX['wind0wind-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070301'; // windspeed timestamp max of this hour
$WX['wind0wind-dmin'] = '0.0'; // windspeed min of today
$WX['wind0wind-dmintime'] = '20240429005951'; // windspeed timestamp min of today
$WX['wind0wind-dmax'] = '27.4'; // windspeed max of today
$WX['wind0wind-dmaxtime'] = '20240429015033'; // windspeed timestamp max of today
$WX['wind0wind-ydmin'] = '0.0'; // windspeed min of yesterday
$WX['wind0wind-ydmintime'] = '20240428003806'; // windspeed timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['wind0wind-ydmax'] = '33.8'; // windspeed max of yesterday
$WX['wind0wind-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428135946'; // windspeed timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['wind0wind-mmin'] = '0.0'; // windspeed min of this month
$WX['wind0wind-mmintime'] = '20240401000125'; // windspeed timestamp min of this month
$WX['wind0wind-mmax'] = '53.1'; // windspeed max of this month
$WX['wind0wind-mmaxtime'] = '20240413174625'; // windspeed timestamp max of this month
$WX['wind0wind-ymin'] = '0.0'; // windspeed min of this year
$WX['wind0wind-ymintime'] = '20240101000001'; // windspeed timestamp min of this year
$WX['wind0wind-ymax'] = '59.5'; // windspeed max of this year
$WX['wind0wind-ymaxtime'] = '20240228205830'; // windspeed timestamp max of this year
$WX['wind0wind-amin'] = '0.0'; // windspeed min of all time
$WX['wind0wind-amintime'] = '20141005150447'; // windspeed timestamp min of all time
$WX['wind0wind-amax'] = '77.4'; // windspeed max of all time
$WX['wind0wind-amaxtime'] = '20180504221805'; // windspeed timestamp max of all time
$WX['wind0wind-starttime'] = '20141005150447'; // windspeed timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['wind0avgwind-act'] = '4.7'; // average windspeed most recent
$WX['wind0avgwind-val5'] = '3.2'; // average windspeed value 5 minutes ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-val10'] = '4.7'; // average windspeed value 10 minutes ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-val15'] = '6.5'; // average windspeed value 15 minutes ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-val30'] = '11.2'; // average windspeed value 30 minutes ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-val60'] = '9.7'; // average windspeed value 60 minutes ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-delta2h'] = '-3.2'; // average windspeed delta 2 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-delta3h'] = '-3.2'; // average windspeed delta 3 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-delta6h'] = '-3.2'; // average windspeed delta 6 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-delta12h'] = '-3.2'; // average windspeed delta 12 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-delta24h'] = '-3.2'; // average windspeed delta 24 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-avg@h48'] = '--'; // average windspeed avg 48 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-avg@h72'] = '--'; // average windspeed avg 72 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-avg@h96'] = '--'; // average windspeed avg 96 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-avg@h120'] = '--'; // average windspeed avg 120 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-avg@h144'] = '--'; // average windspeed avg 144 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-avg@h168'] = '--'; // average windspeed avg 168 hours ago
$WX['wind0avgwind-hmin'] = '3.2'; // average windspeed min of this hour
$WX['wind0avgwind-hmintime'] = '20240429072329'; // average windspeed timestamp min of this hour
$WX['wind0avgwind-hmax'] = '11.2'; // average windspeed max of this hour
$WX['wind0avgwind-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070001'; // average windspeed timestamp max of this hour
$WX['wind0avgwind-dmin'] = '3.2'; // average windspeed min of today
$WX['wind0avgwind-dmintime'] = '20240429072329'; // average windspeed timestamp min of today
$WX['wind0avgwind-dmax'] = '13.0'; // average windspeed max of today
$WX['wind0avgwind-dmaxtime'] = '20240429063629'; // average windspeed timestamp max of today
$WX['wind0avgwind-ydmin'] = '0.0'; // average windspeed min of yesterday
$WX['wind0avgwind-ydmintime'] = '20240428181630'; // average windspeed timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['wind0avgwind-ydmax'] = '16.2'; // average windspeed max of yesterday
$WX['wind0avgwind-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428214533'; // average windspeed timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['wind0avgwind-mmin'] = '0.0'; // average windspeed min of this month
$WX['wind0avgwind-mmintime'] = '20240401000829'; // average windspeed timestamp min of this month
$WX['wind0avgwind-mmax'] = '30.6'; // average windspeed max of this month
$WX['wind0avgwind-mmaxtime'] = '20240412104730'; // average windspeed timestamp max of this month
$WX['wind0avgwind-ymin'] = '0.0'; // average windspeed min of this year
$WX['wind0avgwind-ymintime'] = '20240101000620'; // average windspeed timestamp min of this year
$WX['wind0avgwind-ymax'] = '30.6'; // average windspeed max of this year
$WX['wind0avgwind-ymaxtime'] = '20240228175328'; // average windspeed timestamp max of this year
$WX['wind0avgwind-amin'] = '0.0'; // average windspeed min of all time
$WX['wind0avgwind-amintime'] = '20141005204706'; // average windspeed timestamp min of all time
$WX['wind0avgwind-amax'] = '38.5'; // average windspeed max of all time
$WX['wind0avgwind-amaxtime'] = '20141124195614'; // average windspeed timestamp max of all time
$WX['wind0avgwind-starttime'] = '20141005204706'; // average windspeed timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['wind0dir-act'] = '33'; // wind direction most recent
$WX['wind0dir-val5'] = '34'; // wind direction value 5 minutes ago
$WX['wind0dir-val10'] = '41'; // wind direction value 10 minutes ago
$WX['wind0dir-val15'] = '33'; // wind direction value 15 minutes ago
$WX['wind0dir-val30'] = '55'; // wind direction value 30 minutes ago
$WX['wind0dir-val60'] = '359'; // wind direction value 60 minutes ago
$WX['wind0dir-delta2h'] = '0'; // wind direction delta 2 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-delta3h'] = '0'; // wind direction delta 3 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-delta6h'] = '0'; // wind direction delta 6 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-delta12h'] = '0'; // wind direction delta 12 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-delta24h'] = '0'; // wind direction delta 24 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-avg@h48'] = '--'; // wind direction avg 48 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-avg@h72'] = '--'; // wind direction avg 72 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-avg@h96'] = '--'; // wind direction avg 96 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-avg@h120'] = '--'; // wind direction avg 120 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-avg@h144'] = '--'; // wind direction avg 144 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-avg@h168'] = '--'; // wind direction avg 168 hours ago
$WX['wind0dir-avg10'] = '28'; // wind direction average 10 minutes
$WX['wind0dir-havg'] = '76'; // wind direction average of this hour
$WX['wind0dir-davg'] = '155'; // wind direction average of today
$WX['wind0dir-ydavg'] = '230'; // wind direction average of yesterday
$WX['wind0dir-mavg'] = '182'; // wind direction average of this month
$WX['wind0dir-yavg'] = '191'; // wind direction average of this year
$WX['wind0dir-aavg'] = '197'; // wind direction average of all time
$WX['wind0dir-starttime'] = '20141011023630'; // wind direction timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['wind0chill-act'] = '5.9'; // outdoor wind chill temperature most recent
$WX['wind0chill-val5'] = '5.9'; // outdoor wind chill temperature value 5 minutes ago
$WX['wind0chill-val10'] = '5.2'; // outdoor wind chill temperature value 10 minutes ago
$WX['wind0chill-val15'] = '4.6'; // outdoor wind chill temperature value 15 minutes ago
$WX['wind0chill-val30'] = '4.4'; // outdoor wind chill temperature value 30 minutes ago
$WX['wind0chill-val60'] = '5.5'; // outdoor wind chill temperature value 60 minutes ago
$WX['wind0chill-hmin'] = '2.7'; // outdoor wind chill temperature min of this hour
$WX['wind0chill-hmintime'] = '20240429070301'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp min of this hour
$WX['wind0chill-hmax'] = '6.1'; // outdoor wind chill temperature max of this hour
$WX['wind0chill-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070747'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp max of this hour
$WX['wind0chill-dmin'] = '2.4'; // outdoor wind chill temperature min of today
$WX['wind0chill-dmintime'] = '20240429065005'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp min of today
$WX['wind0chill-dmax'] = '13.2'; // outdoor wind chill temperature max of today
$WX['wind0chill-dmaxtime'] = '20240429000002'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp max of today
$WX['wind0chill-ydmin'] = '7.4'; // outdoor wind chill temperature min of yesterday
$WX['wind0chill-ydmintime'] = '20240428020207'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['wind0chill-ydmax'] = '23.8'; // outdoor wind chill temperature max of yesterday
$WX['wind0chill-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['wind0chill-mmin'] = '-7.7'; // outdoor wind chill temperature min of this month
$WX['wind0chill-mmintime'] = '20240404133219'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp min of this month
$WX['wind0chill-mmax'] = '23.8'; // outdoor wind chill temperature max of this month
$WX['wind0chill-mmaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp max of this month
$WX['wind0chill-ymin'] = '-26.9'; // outdoor wind chill temperature min of this year
$WX['wind0chill-ymintime'] = '20240224063224'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp min of this year
$WX['wind0chill-ymax'] = '23.8'; // outdoor wind chill temperature max of this year
$WX['wind0chill-ymaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp max of this year
$WX['wind0chill-amin'] = '-43.2'; // outdoor wind chill temperature min of all time
$WX['wind0chill-amintime'] = '20160213071834'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp min of all time
$WX['wind0chill-amax'] = '34.8'; // outdoor wind chill temperature max of all time
$WX['wind0chill-amaxtime'] = '20200710152147'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp max of all time
$WX['wind0chill-starttime'] = '20150728160028'; // outdoor wind chill temperature timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['rain0rate-act'] = '1.4'; // rain rate most recent
$WX['rain0rate-val5'] = '1.4'; // rain rate value 5 minutes ago
$WX['rain0rate-val10'] = '1.6'; // rain rate value 10 minutes ago
$WX['rain0rate-val15'] = '2.0'; // rain rate value 15 minutes ago
$WX['rain0rate-val30'] = '1.0'; // rain rate value 30 minutes ago
$WX['rain0rate-val60'] = '0.0'; // rain rate value 60 minutes ago
$WX['rain0rate-delta2h'] = '1.4'; // rain rate delta 2 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-delta3h'] = '1.4'; // rain rate  delta 3 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-delta6h'] = '1.4'; // rain rate delta 6 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-delta12h'] = '1.4'; // rain rate delta 12 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-delta24h'] = '1.4'; // rain rate delta 24 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-avg@h48'] = '--'; // rain rate avg 48 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-avg@h72'] = '--'; // rain rate avg 72 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-avg@h96'] = '--'; // rain rate avg 96 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-avg@h120'] = '--'; // rain rate avg 120 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-avg@h144'] = '--'; // rain rate avg 144 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-avg@h168'] = '--'; // rain rate avg 168 hours ago
$WX['rain0rate-hmin'] = '0.0'; // rain rate min of this hour
$WX['rain0rate-hmintime'] = '20240429070443'; // rain rate timestamp min of this hour
$WX['rain0rate-hmax'] = '2.0'; // rain rate max of this hour
$WX['rain0rate-hmaxtime'] = '20240429071143'; // rain rate timestamp max of this hour
$WX['rain0rate-dmin'] = '0.0'; // rain rate min of today
$WX['rain0rate-dmintime'] = '20240429000002'; // rain rate timestamp min of today
$WX['rain0rate-dmax'] = '3.0'; // rain rate max of today
$WX['rain0rate-dmaxtime'] = '20240429063701'; // rain rate timestamp max of today
$WX['rain0rate-ydmin'] = '0.0'; // rain rate min of yesterday
$WX['rain0rate-ydmintime'] = '20240428000001'; // rain rate timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['rain0rate-ydmax'] = '57.0'; // rain rate max of yesterday
$WX['rain0rate-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428163600'; // rain rate timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['rain0rate-mmin'] = '0.0'; // rain rate min of this month
$WX['rain0rate-mmintime'] = '20240401000001'; // rain rate timestamp min of this month
$WX['rain0rate-mmax'] = '57.0'; // rain rate max of this month
$WX['rain0rate-mmaxtime'] = '20240428163600'; // rain rate timestamp max of this month
$WX['rain0rate-ymin'] = '0.0'; // rain rate min of this year
$WX['rain0rate-ymintime'] = '20240101000002'; // rain rate timestamp min of this year
$WX['rain0rate-ymax'] = '57.0'; // rain rate max of this year
$WX['rain0rate-ymaxtime'] = '20240428163600'; // rain rate timestamp max of this year
$WX['rain0rate-amin'] = '0.0'; // rain rate min of all time
$WX['rain0rate-amintime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain rate timestamp min of all time
$WX['rain0rate-amax'] = '288.0'; // rain rate max of all time
$WX['rain0rate-amaxtime'] = '20220515193256'; // rain rate timestamp max of all time
$WX['rain0rate-starttime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain rate timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['rain0total-act'] = '198.8'; // rain most recent
$WX['rain0total-val5'] = '198.8'; // rain value 5 minutes ago
$WX['rain0total-val10'] = '198.6'; // rain value 10 minutes ago
$WX['rain0total-val15'] = '198.6'; // rain value 15 minutes ago
$WX['rain0total-val30'] = '198.2'; // rain value 30 minutes ago
$WX['rain0total-val60'] = '197.4'; // rain value 60 minutes ago
$WX['rain0total-delta2h'] = '1.4'; // rain delta 2 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-delta3h'] = '1.4'; // rain delta 3 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-delta6h'] = '1.4'; // rain delta 6 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-delta12h'] = '1.4'; // rain delta 12 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-delta24h'] = '4.4'; // rain delta 24 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-avg@h48'] = '--'; // rain avg 48 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-avg@h72'] = '--'; // rain avg 72 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-avg@h96'] = '--'; // rain avg 96 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-avg@h120'] = '--'; // rain avg 120 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-avg@h144'] = '--'; // rain avg 144 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-avg@h168'] = '--'; // rain avg 168 hours ago
$WX['rain0total-hmin'] = '198.8'; // rain min of this hour
$WX['rain0total-hmintime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp min of this hour
$WX['rain0total-hmax'] = '0.6'; // rain max of this hour
$WX['rain0total-hmaxtime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp max of this hour
$WX['rain0total-dmin'] = '198.8'; // rain min of today
$WX['rain0total-dmintime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp min of today
$WX['rain0total-dmax'] = '1.4'; // rain max of today
$WX['rain0total-dmaxtime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp max of today
$WX['rain0total-ydmin'] = '197.4'; // rain min of yesterday
$WX['rain0total-ydmintime'] = '--'; // rain timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['rain0total-ydmax'] = '3.0'; // rain max of yesterday
$WX['rain0total-ydmaxtime'] = '--'; // rain timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['rain0total-mmin'] = '198.8'; // rain min of this month
$WX['rain0total-mmintime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp min of this month
$WX['rain0total-mmax'] = '97.6'; // rain max of this month
$WX['rain0total-mmaxtime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp max of this month
$WX['rain0total-ymin'] = '198.8'; // rain min of this year
$WX['rain0total-ymintime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp min of this year
$WX['rain0total-ymax'] = '198.8'; // rain max of this year
$WX['rain0total-ymaxtime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp max of this year
$WX['rain0total-amin'] = '198.8'; // rain min of all time
$WX['rain0total-amintime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp min of all time
$WX['rain0total-amax'] = '7523.2'; // rain max of all time
$WX['rain0total-amaxtime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp max of all time
$WX['rain0total-starttime'] = '20141005143216'; // rain timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['uv0index-act'] = '--'; // uv index most recent
$WX['uv0index-val5'] = '--'; // uv index value 5 minutes ago
$WX['uv0index-val10'] = '--'; // uv index value 10 minutes ago
$WX['uv0index-val15'] = '--'; // uv index value 15 minutes ago
$WX['uv0index-val30'] = '--'; // uv index value 30 minutes ago
$WX['uv0index-val60'] = '--'; // uv index value 60 minutes ago
$WX['uv0index-hmin'] = '--'; // uv index min of this hour
$WX['uv0index-hmintime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp min of this hour
$WX['uv0index-hmax'] = '--'; // uv index max of this hour
$WX['uv0index-hmaxtime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp max of this hour
$WX['uv0index-dmin'] = '--'; // uv index min of today
$WX['uv0index-dmintime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp min of today
$WX['uv0index-dmax'] = '--'; // uv index max of today
$WX['uv0index-dmaxtime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp max of today
$WX['uv0index-ydmin'] = '--'; // uv index min of yesterday
$WX['uv0index-ydmintime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['uv0index-ydmax'] = '--'; // uv index max of yesterday
$WX['uv0index-ydmaxtime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['uv0index-mmin'] = '--'; // uv index min of this month
$WX['uv0index-mmintime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp min of this month
$WX['uv0index-mmax'] = '--'; // uv index max of this month
$WX['uv0index-mmaxtime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp max of this month
$WX['uv0index-ymin'] = '--'; // uv index min of this year
$WX['uv0index-ymintime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp min of this year
$WX['uv0index-ymax'] = '--'; // uv index max of this year
$WX['uv0index-ymaxtime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp max of this year
$WX['uv0index-amin'] = '--'; // uv index min of all time
$WX['uv0index-amintime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp min of all time
$WX['uv0index-amax'] = '--'; // uv index max of all time
$WX['uv0index-amaxtime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp max of all time
$WX['uv0index-starttime'] = '--'; // uv index timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['sol0rad-act'] = '--'; // solar rad most recent
$WX['sol0rad-val5'] = '--'; // solar rad value 5 minutes ago
$WX['sol0rad-val10'] = '--'; // solar rad value 10 minutes ago
$WX['sol0rad-val15'] = '--'; // solar rad value 15 minutes ago
$WX['sol0rad-val30'] = '--'; // solar rad value 30 minutes ago
$WX['sol0rad-val60'] = '--'; // solar rad value 60 minutes ago
$WX['sol0rad-hmin'] = '--'; // solar rad min of this hour
$WX['sol0rad-hmintime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp min of this hour
$WX['sol0rad-hmax'] = '--'; // solar rad max of this hour
$WX['sol0rad-hmaxtime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp max of this hour
$WX['sol0rad-dmin'] = '--'; // solar rad min of today
$WX['sol0rad-dmintime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp min of today
$WX['sol0rad-dmax'] = '--'; // solar rad max of today
$WX['sol0rad-dmaxtime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp max of today
$WX['sol0rad-ydmin'] = '--'; // solar rad min of yesterday
$WX['sol0rad-ydmintime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['sol0rad-ydmax'] = '--'; // solar rad max of yesterday
$WX['sol0rad-ydmaxtime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['sol0rad-mmin'] = '--'; // solar rad min of this month
$WX['sol0rad-mmintime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp min of this month
$WX['sol0rad-mmax'] = '--'; // solar rad max of this month
$WX['sol0rad-mmaxtime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp max of this month
$WX['sol0rad-ymin'] = '--'; // solar rad min of this year
$WX['sol0rad-ymintime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp min of this year
$WX['sol0rad-ymax'] = '--'; // solar rad max of this year
$WX['sol0rad-ymaxtime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp max of this year
$WX['sol0rad-amin'] = '--'; // solar rad min of all time
$WX['sol0rad-amintime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp min of all time
$WX['sol0rad-amax'] = '--'; // solar rad max of all time
$WX['sol0rad-amaxtime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp max of all time
$WX['sol0rad-starttime'] = '--'; // solar rad timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['rain0total-daysum'] = '1.4'; // rain total today
$WX['rain0total-monthsum'] = '97.6'; // rain total this month
$WX['rain0total-yearsum'] = '198.8'; // rain total this year
$WX['rain0total-ydaysum'] = '3.0'; // rain total yesterday
$WX['rain0total-sum60'] = '1.4'; // rain total last 60 minutes
$WX['sol0evo-daysum'] = '--'; // solar evo total today
$WX['sol0evo-monthsum'] = '--'; // solar evo total this month
$WX['sol0evo-yearsum'] = '--'; // solar evo total this year
$WX['sol0evo-ydaysum'] = '--'; // solar evo total yesterday
$WX['sol0evo-sum60'] = '--'; // solar evo total last 60 minutes
$WX['sol0evo-sum24h'] = '--'; // solar evo total last 24 hours
$WX['sol0evo-allsum'] = '--'; // solar evo total all time
$WX['th0heatindex-act'] = '5.1'; // outdoor heat index most recent
$WX['th0heatindex-val5'] = '5.1'; // outdoor heat index value 5 minutes ago
$WX['th0heatindex-val10'] = '5.1'; // outdoor heat index value 10 minutes ago
$WX['th0heatindex-val15'] = '5.1'; // outdoor heat index value 15 minutes ago
$WX['th0heatindex-val30'] = '5.3'; // outdoor heat index value 30 minutes ago
$WX['th0heatindex-val60'] = '6.2'; // outdoor heat index value 60 minutes ago
$WX['th0heatindex-hmin'] = '5.0'; // outdoor heat index min of this hour
$WX['th0heatindex-hmintime'] = '20240429072839'; // outdoor heat index timestamp min of this hour
$WX['th0heatindex-hmax'] = '5.3'; // outdoor heat index max of this hour
$WX['th0heatindex-hmaxtime'] = '20240429070005'; // outdoor heat index timestamp max of this hour
$WX['th0heatindex-dmin'] = '5.0'; // outdoor heat index min of today
$WX['th0heatindex-dmintime'] = '20240429072839'; // outdoor heat index timestamp min of today
$WX['th0heatindex-dmax'] = '12.4'; // outdoor heat index max of today
$WX['th0heatindex-dmaxtime'] = '20240429000002'; // outdoor heat index timestamp max of today
$WX['th0heatindex-ydmin'] = '9.0'; // outdoor heat index min of yesterday
$WX['th0heatindex-ydmintime'] = '20240428015635'; // outdoor heat index timestamp min of yesterday
$WX['th0heatindex-ydmax'] = '23.0'; // outdoor heat index max of yesterday
$WX['th0heatindex-ydmaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor heat index timestamp max of yesterday
$WX['th0heatindex-mmin'] = '-3.0'; // outdoor heat index min of this month
$WX['th0heatindex-mmintime'] = '20240425051515'; // outdoor heat index timestamp min of this month
$WX['th0heatindex-mmax'] = '23.0'; // outdoor heat index max of this month
$WX['th0heatindex-mmaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor heat index timestamp max of this month
$WX['th0heatindex-ymin'] = '-18.4'; // outdoor heat index min of this year
$WX['th0heatindex-ymintime'] = '20240120024922'; // outdoor heat index timestamp min of this year
$WX['th0heatindex-ymax'] = '23.0'; // outdoor heat index max of this year
$WX['th0heatindex-ymaxtime'] = '20240428140308'; // outdoor heat index timestamp max of this year
$WX['th0heatindex-amin'] = '-32.2'; // outdoor heat index min of all time
$WX['th0heatindex-amintime'] = '20230204080545'; // outdoor heat index timestamp min of all time
$WX['th0heatindex-amax'] = '45.9'; // outdoor heat index max of all time
$WX['th0heatindex-amaxtime'] = '20180701135404'; // outdoor heat index timestamp max of all time
$WX['th0heatindex-starttime'] = '20150728163236'; // outdoor heat index timestamp of first recorded data
$WX['wind0dir-min10'] = '0'; // wind direction min 10 minutes
$WX['wind0dir-max10'] = '359'; // wind direction max 10 minutes